

Right Goal—Wrong Strategy

The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) held a press conference last week, the day after President Obama’s announcement of Osama bin Laden’s dispatch. The briefing seemed to deliver a hopeful message: Now that bin Laden is dead, perhaps there will be the “dawn of a new era” in the relationship of American Muslims to their fellow Americans. MPAC’s leadership was joined by a bevy of local pols who echoed the theme of “can’t we all just get along?”

Police say Calabasas High students were behind anti-Semitic graffiti

Investigators from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department have identified three students at Calabasas High School as the alleged vandals behind extensive anti-Semitic graffiti found on school property on Saturday morning, April 23, a spokesperson from the Sheriff’s Department said Tuesday afternoon. The students have not yet been charged, and the case will be presented to a district attorney on Friday, according to Sergeant Mike Holland of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Teens charged with hate crimes in Brooklyn assault

Hate crimes charges were filed against two teens in an assault on at least one Chasidic man in Brooklyn. The teens were captured Monday night in the Williamsburg neighborhood of the New York City borough by members of the Shomrim volunteer patrol following the assault, according to reports. Brian Pena, 15, and Pete Montanez, 14, allegedly attacked Moshe Guttman, 45, as he left a Chanukah party Monday night outside of the Yeshiva Beer Hatorah.

Questions linger about SF death of pro-Israel activist

Police said this week that the mysterious death of an outspoken pro-Israel activist appeared to be accidental, but friends and family of Dr. Daniel Kliman insist he was the victim of foul play

More Jewish teens attacked in Paris, Adelson gives $30 million to Birthright

Three Jewish teenagers were attacked in the same Paris district where another Jewish teen was beaten severely in June.\n\nThe latest pledge consists of a $20 million contribution for 2009 and $10 million for 2010, said Michael Bohnen, president of the Adelson Foundation, in a news release Tuesday announcing the gift.\n

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