

Partner of slain Israeli ordered to leave

The partner of an Israeli man killed in an attack on a gay community center in Tel Aviv has been ordered deported. Thomas Schmidt of Germany, who has lived in Israel for six years, was contacted Feb. 6 by Israel\’s Interior Ministry to remind him that his visa offering him temporary resident status is expiring and he must leave the country by the end of the month, Ynet reported Wednesday.

Ghost of holocaust haunts visitor exploring Germany

It took me more than a year to buy my ticket. My sister was living in Berlin, and I was supposed to visit her. What she didn\’t know each time she asked me to come see her was how present the Holocaust was for me in my work.

Briefs: Some West Bank settlers would agree to leave, Israel OKs Palestinian police stations

Approximately one in five Israelis living east of the West Bank security fence would leave if offered government support, a poll found. According to an internal government study, whose results were leaked Tuesday to Yediot Achronot, approximately 15,000 of the 70,000 settlers whose communities are not taken in by the fence would accept voluntary relocation packages.

Richard Wagner’s Day of Reckoning

Was Richard Wagner, Hitler\’s favorite composer, a classical anti-Semite and proto-Nazi or has conventional assumption given him a bad rap?

Sweet Sixteen and Ready to Rise

Kolet\’s participation in charity events has put her onstage with artists such as Elton John, U2\’s Bono and, most recently, Andrea Boccelli. She has developed a close working relationship with Klaus Meine of the legendary German rock band, the Scorpions, having performed with him last year in Israel.

Rabbis With a Mission

The mission\’s organizer, Rabbi Mark Diamond, executive director of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California, called the journey a \”rabbinic version of the March of Living.\”

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