

Increased Insecurity

The attacks plumbed new depths In Hebron on Monday, when a Palestinian sniper shot dead a 10-month-old baby, Shalhevet Pass, as she was being wheeled by her parents through the West Bank city\’s Jewish neighborhood.

High Morale

As Israeli-Palestinian violence hits the six-month mark, Israeli military officials report that soldiers remain motivated to serve in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Jewish Ethics and Israeli Arabs

I was honored to be one of a number of scholars taking part in the University of Judaism\’s Day of Learning.

Waiting for Action

Israel seemed to be holding its breath this week in the wake of three Palestinian attacks.

The Home Front

Standing with the crowd in Netanya where, hours before, a Palestinian suicide bomber had killed three Israelis and himself, local carpenter Ya\’acov Ohayon was asked if he thought the public — the home front — was ready for more of the same, or worse.

Different Tactics

If U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell made anything clear during his visit this week to Israel and the Palestinian-controlled city of Ramallah, it was that things have changed since President Clinton left office.

Tragedy or Exploitation?

The photograph of the Palestinian father cradling his terrified son moments before the boy was killed in Gaza this fall was viewed live on television and reproduced on the front pages of newspapers around the globe. Like the photograph of the boy with hands raised standing in the Warsaw Ghetto, nobody who saw desperate Jamal Al-Durrah vainly trying to shield 12-year-old Mohammed can ever forget the terror in their eyes.

Setting Differences Aside

A national unity government appears increasingly likely as envoys from the Likud and Labor parties work to overcome some snags in negotiations.

Barak’s Legacy

Ehud Barak\’s term as Israeli prime minister was among the shortest in Israeli history, but in just 19 months he succeeded in altering the strategic landscape of the Middle East and recasting the terms of Israeli political debate.

Bridging the Gap

Israeli Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon may find that the worst thing about his landslide victory Tuesday over incumbent Ehud Barak was precisely his 25-point margin of victory.

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