

EU, Russia condemn Israeli settlement expansion plans

The European Union and Russia on Friday denounced Israel\’s plans to expand settlements in the occupied West Bank and urged Israelis and Palestinians to take \”bold and concrete steps towards peace.\”

Palestinians outline Israel isolation strategy

The Palestinian Authority is considering a multi-pronged strategy to isolate Israel, including seeking redress in international courts and ceasing security cooperation.

Eager to widen fight beyond missiles, terrorists bomb Tel Aviv bus

They all thought it was a missile at first. In the split second between the sudden explosion and the smoke that enveloped their bodies and faces, they figured that a Hamas rocket, after a week of strikes and misses, had hit the center of Tel Aviv. Then they realized that the bus had been bombed.

Operation Pillar of Defense: Lessons learned

As Israel and Hamas mostly stilled their guns Wednesday night after reaching a cease-fire agreement, ending eight days of intense bombardment, both sides took home some new lessons about their foes.

Palestinians escalate hunger-strike in Israel jails

Hundreds of Palestinians on hunger strike in Israeli jails said on Friday they would shun vitamin supplements and prison clinics in an escalation of their mass protest against detention conditions.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.