

Give Peace a Shot

Mahmud, 24, and I, met at a Moroccan falafel place near Dupont Circle on a surprisingly sunny December afternoon. I\’d guarantee that even if you looked carefully around the D.C. area, you would find very few \”couples\” like us — a Palestinian from Nablus, and an Israeli from Herzliya, talking with such sincerity for more than two hours, catching up on life. A week prior to our meeting, Mahmud had returned from a visit to Nablus, his hometown, after four years away living rather comfortably in the United States. The story I heard that sunny afternoon accounts for why Hamas won the Palestinian elections in such a landslide.

Suicide Voters

All those people who say \”Munich\” reaffirms the universal truth that \”violence begets violence\” should think hard about the\n\nPalestinian elections, where violence begat an electoral sweep.\n\nSo much for universal truths.\n\nGandhi said, \”An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind,\” and in the long run, who knows, he may be proven right.\n\nBut in the near term, Hamas, an organization whose existence is rooted in hatred and terror, has proven one of my personal universal truths: The craziest guy in the room usually gets his way.

Cease-Fire Appears on Verge of Collapse

Just three months after it was ushered in at a peace summit in February, there are growing signs that the cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians may be on the verge of collapse.

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