

The View From L.A.: Hoping for the Best

As a new party, Kadima has not yet organized an American support group, but Handelsman predicted the establishment of such an organization in the next two years.

What Do Gen-Y Jews Want? Everything

The last few months have seen a flood of studies of Gen-Y Jews — all trying to map their sense of Jewish identity, affiliation patterns, needs, hopes, beliefs and behaviors.


Letters to the Editor

Choosing Pluralism

Attending the North American Association of Jewish High Schools\’ (NAAJHS) leadership conference last year awakened me to the great possibilities of Jewish pluralism. NAAJHS was founded as a forum for Jewish community high schools to exchange ideas and work toward the betterment of Jewish education.

‘One People’ Adopts Novel Plan on Book

The \”One People/One Book\” plan is for synagogue members to meet and discuss \”As a Driven Leaf\” in small groups at least four times between last November\’s opening at the UJ and a closing event on May 24 at Milken Community High School.

Curtain Rises on Mozart’s Jewish Tie

\”Mozart does not belong to any nation. It would be a total misunderstanding for anyone to lay claim to Mozart,\” said Peter Marboe, Vienna Mozart Year artistic director. \”That makes it obscene that the Nazis should claim him as an example of a great German artist and all the while hide his Jewish collaborators.\”

Holy Moly! Robertson Apologizes

Last week, The Rev. Pat Robertson apparently decided that he\’d better have the government of Israel on his side, too, especially if he wants to build a sprawling evangelical center on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

Brandeis-Bardin’s Changing Face

Drive into The Brandeis-Bardin Institute, up the pepper tree-lined main thoroughfare and through the gates leading to 3,000 acres of rolling hills in the Santa Susana Mountains. Enter a setting so magnificent that it\’s easy to believe, as Rabbi Ed Feinstein of Valley Beth Shalom does, that God lives there.

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Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.