

Obama and Israel: The record, the facts

President Obama has been criticized for being wrong for Israel. Even in the third debate of the Presidential campaign, a lovefest toward Israel, which was mentioned 31 times by the candidates, Governor Romney managed to get in a couple jibes against Obama\’s Israel policy.

If Romney wins: Five things every Jew should know about Mormonism

The Mormon Church doesn’t endorse candidates or political parties, and although most American Mormons are Republicans, a Mormon Democrat has served as the Senate Majority Leader for the last five years. Owing to our history of persecution and emphasis on self-reliance, there is also a noteworthy group of Mormons with libertarian sympathies who do not easily identify with either party.

Entitlements and American politics

I like entitlements. I know that’s somehow a terrible thing to say. “Entitlement” has become a dirty four-syllable word in our deranged political culture.

Netanyahu starts re-election bid with tough Iran talk

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu kicked off his re-election campaign on Monday, saying Israel had new unspecified \”capabilities\” to act against Iran\’s nuclear threat, an issue he said he had placed at the heart of the global debate.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.