

Panel discusses strategies for dealing with recession

Talking investment strategy might not top everyone\’s agenda for a bright Sunday morning, but about 75 local residents gathered at Young Israel of Century City on Dec. 21 to do just that.

Is Bernie Madoff Jewish?  Very. Oy.

\”It\’s all just one big lie.\”\n\nWith those words Bernard Madoff confessed to senior executives of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities that the $17 billion hedge fund he founded was nothing more than a Ponzi scheme. Madoff is at the center of \”the largest investor swindle ever blamed on a single individual.\”\n\nThe news that broke today on the front pages of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal reverberated in Jewish communities across the world. \”A lot of Jewish charities had investments with him,\” one prominent investor told The Jewish Journal. \”So did a lot of Jews.\”\n\nUPDATE: Among the victims was the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles.\n\n

How to save on wedding costs without sacrificing

Most brides want beauty and romance during their wedding — an expression of their love in the form of a grandiose ceremony. But for many couples, a lavish wedding would require a major financial sacrifice at time when few can afford to do so.


The image of oil sheiks lighting campfires to keep warm beside their indoor ski slopes comforted me for only an instant. The truth is, their pain and our pain are interconnected, as it is with the fate of those striking Chicago factory workers, the college grads unable to find decent jobs and, of course, our own Jewish community.

Thanks, Cal State — thanks a lot

When we hear that the one option that has always been guaranteed to us is now an uncertain variable, we can do nothing but doubt. When competition rages from all angles, and the safety we counted on no longer exists, we can do nothing but give up, right?

Kosherfest 2008 is heaven on earth for foodies

Each year Kosherfest organizers hold a competition for the best new kosher-certified products. This year, Zelda\’s Sweet Shoppe of Skokie, Ill., took top honors with a \”Southern Pecan Pie.\”

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.