

AJC poll: Approval of Obama drops to dead heat

As many Jewish voters approve of President Obama\’s performance as disapprove in an American Jewish Committee poll that shows much disappointment stems from his handling of the economy.

Cash-strapped Palestinians cut pay in half for September

The Palestinian Authority will pay only half wages this month, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said on Tuesday, the second time in three months it has taken such a step because of a financial crisis it blames on donors failing to provide promised funds.

Balancing the budget: Making the weak pay

As a loyal Jewish Democrat and longtime advocate of social justice, she never thought she would find herself fighting Jerry Brown, a man she voted for three times for governor. Yet the 94-year-old is suddenly on the wrong side of Brown’s proposed budget cuts that would slash state spending by $12.5 billion, ripping a hole in numerous social service programs and eliminating others entirely.

Ireland’s Labor Party eyes Israel for economic inspiration

One of the parties expected to form part of Ireland\’s next governing coalition is looking to Israel for economic inspiration. The left-leaning Labor party, which is second in the polls and expected to be the junior partner in Ireland\’s government following the Feb. 25 general election, has said Ireland should follow Israel\’s example of technology-led growth and development to help regain the competitiveness it has lost since the dot-com bubble burst a decade ago.

5770 in Israel: Diplomatic crises, but economic prosperity

For Israel, the Jewish year 5770 was characterized by ups and downs in relations with the United States, growing international alienation and a virtual stalemate in Middle East peacemaking — until the summit meeting in Washington just before Rosh Hashanah.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.