

UC Regents nominee supports BDS

Sadia Saifuddin, a junior at UC Berkeley, has been nominated to become a student member of the powerful University of California Board of Regents, the governing body that determines policies for the 10-campus system.

Lies, Apartheid and BS

I never thought I’d ever sit around a Shabbat table talking about bulls—, a word we don’t usually print in the Journal. But there I was recently at my friend David Brandes’ house, sitting across from the prominent philosopher and former Princeton University professor Harry Frankfurt, author of “On Bullshit” (2005).

BDS: Frustration, but with hope

Senate Bill 160, which calls for targeted divestment from companies that profit off of human rights abuses in the Palestinian territories, passed this last week in the University of California, Berkeley, student senate.

Hawking and Mohammed

There was so much Jewish outrage last week in the wake of Professor Steven Hawking’s decision to join the academic boycott against Israel, it’s hard to know where to start.

BDS campaign spreads with little effect

The multinational boycott campaign targeting Israel, aimed at stopping the country’s perceived injustices against Palestinians, has a venerable history, but the movement showed a new spurt of activism this month.

Berkeley students vote to divest from Israel latest in a UC string

UC Berkeley student senators approved a bill on Thursday calling for the University of California system to divest of stock in American companies that provide technological and weapon support used by the Israeli military in the Palestinian territories.

More news and opinions than at a
Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.