

Answering back to the academic boycotters of Israel

Six days after its membership voted to implement an academic boycott against Israeli universities, the American Studies Association’s Caucus on Academic and Community Activism on December 21, 2013 hurriedly issued a defensive appeal for support bemoaning, in the wake of a tsunami of backlash and censure against the boycott, what it defined as a “campaign of intimidation against the ASA.”

U.S. academics should boycott Israeli universities

The American Studies Association (ASA) Resolution supporting a boycott of Israeli academic institutions has been grossly mischaracterized as an assault on academic freedom. On the contrary, it is one of the most significant affirmative acts any scholarly organization has proposed in defense of academic freedom since the anti-apartheid movement.

‘When Failure Succeeds’: The true goal of BDS and the ASA vote

In the recent boycott resolution passed by the America Asian Studies Association and being voted on by the American Studies Association we uncover the innate hatred, bigotry and destructive intolerance directed at Israel by boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) adherents and supporters. BDS stands for the elimination of the Jewish state of Israel.

Refaeli takes on Waters over boycott letter

Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli tweeted in Hebrew that she no longer wants to be associated with British rocker Roger Waters after his open letter calling for a boycott of Israel.

BDS pressure grows in Europe

Two weeks ago, the Dutch public learned of what appeared to be an unprecedented victory for European advocates of boycotting Israeli products. Four major supermarket chains reportedly declared a boycott of products from the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

Should Israel boycott McDonald’s?: No Happy Meal for you!

When it comes to Israel and the Palestinians, everything, even a hamburger, is political. Israelis who live in areas that Israel acquired in 1967 are up in arms over McDonald’s decision not to open a branch in the mall that will be built in Ariel over the next year.

Is BDS working?

In the United States, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel has caused Jewish leaders considerable grief but achieved few tangible results.

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