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Donors push Bar-Ilan to head of the class

\”I wish I had 10 percent of the success with the Israeli government as I have with private donors,\” sighed Moshe Kaveh, the president of Bar-Ilan University.

Victory for Israel in Goldstone delay, fury among Palestinians

It long has been considered almost axiomatic at the United Nations that there’s no real sense for Israel to try to muster opposition to U.N. resolutions it considers hostile, particularly when those resolutions don’t carry the force of law.

Jeremy Ben-Ami and David Suissa face-off over Israel

On April 11, David Suissa, a columnist for The Journal, joined Jeremy Ben-Ami, president and founder of J Street, the self-described “pro-Israel, pro-peace” lobby group, for a discussion about what it means to be “pro-Israel.”

Time for Jewish leaders to end their silence on Iraq

According to all available polls, a large majority of Americans want to bring our involvement in Iraq to an end, and an overwhelming majority of Iraqis themselves are opposed to the continued American occupation of their country.

Reversal of fortune: The Mexican immigrant shift

The immigration-reform debate has gripped the country and enflamed passions. Hate groups, along with mainstream media, have engaged in facile assumptions about Mexican immigration, often leading to racist stereotypes and opening the door to extremist ideology.

Loving Luntz

I have tried to hate Frank Luntz, but I can’t. Luntz is the Republican-aligned pollster and wordsmith who devised the Contract with America that thrust Newt Gingrich into power. He renamed the estate tax the “death tax” and sealed its doom in public opinion.

Falling dollar hurts seniors in former Soviet Union

After his wife died, the worker still came but less often, until global economic pressure forced the JDC to scale back operations for the \”least needy\” in the former Soviet Union. Six months ago, Zheleznyak began having to fend for himself.

An insider’s view of Ariel Sharon

Ariel Sharon was a figure of controversy throughout his long career in war, politics and diplomacy, but no one can deny that he looms large in the making of the Jewish state.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.