From a Day of Hate to a Home for God
During this month of Adar, we read the parshiyot about building the Mishkan, and we are challenged to reflect on what it means to make space for the Divine in this broken world.
During this month of Adar, we read the parshiyot about building the Mishkan, and we are challenged to reflect on what it means to make space for the Divine in this broken world.
Purim is lifted by the rabbis to an exalted place, “Purim will never be abolished.” It is the one holiday that will exist for all time.
Hazzan Mike Stein of Temple Aliyah has a personal connection to “Mordechai Superstar,” the Purim shpiel he is writing and directing this year.
I enjoyed Purim because we’d receive mishloach manot, the goody bags filled with homemade hamantaschen, candies, fruits and snacks that our friends would leave on our doorstep.
Everyone loves a nice, sweet hamantaschen for Purim.
Whether you are attending a Purim carnival or Megillah reading at your synagogue, or celebrating at home, it’s the perfect opportunity to have some fun with spirits.
Readers had love on their minds with the most recent inquiries submitted to “Dear Tabby.”
A roundup of incidents, good and bad, happening on college campuses.
The Kaplans provide Jewish learning and social opportunities on campus: lunch-and-learns, weekly Shabbat experiences and holiday programs, and advice on personal or halachic questions.
What could be better than the enticing aromas of freshly baked Purim treats.