800 Channels: Israel’s Secret Diplomatic Weapon
Relations with Arab world, country’s global standing improve thanks to social media department deep within Foreign Ministry.
Relations with Arab world, country’s global standing improve thanks to social media department deep within Foreign Ministry.
On October 22, Albania became the second Muslim-majority country to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism.
As an editor, I know that deciding what stories to pursue can be a difficult, contentious decision…But where is the line for deciding to cover a story when the silence is seen as more damning?
Yassin said that Al Jazeera promulgated their allegations throughout the Arab world by sponsoring its affiliates to promote the accusations in order to generate “fear and hatred.”
Turkey’s reasons for wanting to become a player in Palestinian politics have little to do with the Palestinians themselves. Erdogan has always seen his road to becoming a more prominent global Muslim leader as running through Jerusalem, and he has for years positioned himself as the true defender of Jerusalem and al-Aqsa against alleged Israeli aggression.