June 29, 2016
With Wexler’s, L.A. elevates its deli ‘A-game’
Traditional deli food is enjoying a national renaissance: New York City is home to Mile End Deli and Sadelle’s. Washington, D.C., has DGS. San Franciscans continue to embrace Wise Sons, and Portland, Ore., boasts Kenny and Zuke’s.
Why not Al Franken? Some think the senator and former comic could be Hillary’s VP
Last week Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) said that if Hillary Clinton asked him to be her running mate, he’d take the job. “If Hillary Clinton came to me and said, ‘Al, I really need you to be my vice president, to run with me,’ I would say yes, but I’m very happy in the job that I have right now.”
Why Sugihara’s selflessness still matters
Most Jewish Americans are familiar with the story of heroism told in Steven Spielberg’s 1993 film “Schindler’s List” about German industrialist Oskar Schindler, who is credited with saving more than 1,000 Jewish lives during the Holocaust.
Westside congressman facing first re-election bid discusses Israel
Los Angeles Rep. Ted Lieu is quick to shoot off a friendly tweet. With a computer science degree from Stanford University, he’s one of the more tech-savvy members of Congress.
Jacob Bresler: Riding out tribulation and making it to liberation
Mid-morning on Sept. 1, 1939, Jacob Bresler was playing at the one-pump gas station near his family’s apartment in Uniejow, Poland, rolling the metal rim of an automobile wheel with a wire stick, when a bomb suddenly exploded at the town hall, diagonally across the street.
Turkey and Israel Spin Normalization Deal in Their Favor
Turkish and Israeli officials announced on Monday a long-awaited rapprochement and reestablishment of formal diplomatic relations after being severed six years ago.
Sisters from a prominent Sephardic family to get Spanish citizenship
It’s been more than 500 years since Yosef Elyashar, a rabbi in the Spanish town of Híjar, was expelled from his home country.
Arab-Israeli lawmaker calls Israeli soldiers ‘murderers,’ spurring impeachment inquiry
An Arab-Israeli lawmaker called Israeli soldiers “murderers” on the floor of the Knesset, spurring talk of impeachment by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Ultra-Orthodox feminism: Not a contradiction in terms
I am an ultra-Orthodox feminist.
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