
November 17, 2015

French-Israelis, reeling from attacks, relieved to be out

It was 2 a.m. when Illana Attali’s friend’s screams woke her. Her friend had just heard about the series of coordinated terror attacks on Paris — a wave of violence that would kill at least 129 people on Friday.

FanDuel stops letting New Yorkers play paid games

Daily fantasy sports site FanDuel said on Tuesday it would no longer let people in New York enter its paid contests in response to efforts by the state\’s attorney general to declare the games illegal gambling.

French police launch hunt for additional Paris attacker

French authorities are now hunting at least one additional attacker from Friday\’s Paris shootings after surveillance video showed three men in a car used for an assault on restaurants and bars, according to two sources close to the investigation.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.