April 14, 2015
Swastikas drawn in University of Missouri dorm
Swastikas and anti-Semitic epithets were written in a stairwell of a dormitory at the University of Missouri in Columbia.
Darth Vader says ‘I am your father’ in Hebrew (and 19 other languages)
Obama tells Congress he plans to remove Cuba from terrorism list
President Barack Obama told Congress on Tuesday he intends to remove Cuba from a U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism, clearing the way for restoring diplomatic relations and reopening embassies shut for more than half a century.\n
Obama drops objection to letting Congress vote on Iran deal
President Barack Obama dropped his opposition on Tuesday to a bill giving Congress a voice on a nuclear deal with Iran after members of his Democratic Party negotiated changes to the bill that had won strong support from both parties.
Stanford student’s impassioned op-ed says she was unfairly questioned during endorsement interview
The Stanford Daily has run an April 13 op-ed by Molly Horwitz, a Stanford University junior, that, entitled, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” gives Horwitz’s account of events that transpired last month, March 13, when the Students of Color Coalition allegedly asked Horwitz, who is running for Stanford Student Senate, if her being Jewish would bias her decision making on matters related to divestment of Israel.\n
The Iranian deal panic gap
Last week, Foreign Policy magazine released a poll of 921 scholars of international relations at colleges and universities across the United States.
Israel ‘dismayed’ at S-300 missile deal with Iran
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday expressed Israel\’s \”dismay\” to Russian President Vladimir Putin at Russia\’s decision to lift a self-imposed ban on supplying S-300 missiles to Iran.