Iran assisting Syria in crackdown, according to U.S. intelligence
Iran reportedly is providing material assistance to the Syrian government in its effort to quell protests.
Iran reportedly is providing material assistance to the Syrian government in its effort to quell protests.
Early on Thursday morning, April 14, in what Los Angeles Fire Department officials are calling an arson attempt, someone broke into Temple Israel of Hollywood (TIOH) and set a small fire in a classroom on the second floor. The fire was extinguished before LAFD arrived at the scene, at 8 a.m. There were no reported injuries, and a Los Angeles Police Department official on the scene described the damage to the synagogue as minimal.
Nobody thought much about the shabby but quiet middle-aged man who showed up last weekend at an Orthodox study hall in suburban Cleveland.
A former supervisor of the Agriprocessors kosher meatpacking plant in Iowa was arrested in Israel.
The TV business is built on advertising. Except for premium cable, the money that networks get for selling audiences’ eyeballs to advertisers is the mother’s milk of the industry. Networks set the price of ads on their shows using demographic information about the age and sex of those shows’ viewers. And the company that pretty much has a monopoly on furnishing those metrics is Nielsen.
Rep. John Boehner, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, said he plans to invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress.
A secret FBI report from 1985 suggests a key piece of evidence in the trial of accused Nazi war criminal John Demjanjuk in Munich may have been a KGB forgery. The German court announced Thursday that it would not suspend the trial over the document, and critics say the old report reflects outdated information.
A rabbi is suing the District of Columbia Board of Elections for running an election on the last day of Passover. Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld of Ohev Sholom says in his lawsuit that efforts by the board to expand early voting opportunities for observant Jewish voters in a special election for an at-large council member and two Board of Education members are inadequate.