
March 1, 2010

Producer Landau: Interpreter of Dreams

Getting an Academy Award nomination for best picture is something most filmmakers only dream about. For Jon Landau, producer of the sci-fi fantasy film “Avatar,” that dream has now come true twice.

No Star is Safe: Rivers riffs on red carpet attire

Joan Rivers loved, loved, loved Quentin Tarantino’s “Inglourious Basterds.” But not his shlumpy attire at the recent Golden Globe Awards ceremony. “He was wearing this long, black frock coat — he looked like a preacher,” she said in her famous raspy voice over the phone recently. “Of course, his work is so amazing, in a way you don’t want him to be a dandy. But you do wish a good woman would get a hold of him and just dress him like a normal person.”

Jewish Sensibility, Not Practice, Rules in Hollywood

It’s tough to be religious in Hollywood.

How could it be otherwise, since the industry itself demands absolute devotion? Ask anyone how they got their start, and they’ll tell you amusing stories about early bosses who treated them like indentured servants.

When The Truth Is Found to Be Lies: The Coen Brothers’ Rorschach for Serious People

I learned about Jewish spirituality in a yoga class in 1971. I lay prone on the carpeted floor, relaxing after achieving the challenging bridge posture for the first time. I had thought that the pose’s name came from its shape: Lying on my back, I pushed my feet and hands into the floor until the trunk of my body rose in an arc that resembled a bridge. But as I regained equilibrium after the posture, I became uncertain about the name. As I lay there, I had the sense that the pose had enabled me to bridge the breach between the living and the dead, the holy and the profane, the body and the soul. Everything felt profoundly connected. I began to weep, and from my unconscious rose the words of the Shema. I chanted and lingered on the word echad (one). I lay there, my cells tingling, sensing the holy connection between all things. Like Job, I knew God in my flesh.

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