
November 12, 2009

LETTERS: November 13-19, 2009

Unity Offers Hope\n\nThe Unity trip of 18 Los Angeles Rabbis to Israel (“The Unity Trip,” Nov. 6) gives me a glimmer of hope that Jewish mutual tolerance will grow to such an extent that the Ayalim (new Zionists) and the lion cubs of Judea (new Zionists) will coexist with the benign approval of the veteran post-Zionist and liberal elites on both sides of the Atlantic. There will not be mutual banal criticism.

LIVE BROADCAST: The People vs. King Saul (American Jewish university)

JewishJournal.com will broadcast LIVE from American Jewish University on Sunday at 10am. Tune in to this page to watch \”The People vs. King Saul.\” The seventh annual mock trial begins with a Biblical text study led by Rabbi Ed Feinstein of Valley Beth Shalom. The trial follows, pitting outstanding prosecutor, Laurie Levenson, against formidable defense attorney, Erwin Chemerinsky, as they argue the case. Culminating our Celebration of Jewish Books, pre-eminent UC Berkeley professor, scholar and author, Robert Alter, who has written on the literary aspects of the Bible will conclude the program with a presentation entitled: The Transparent King (Saul) and the Opaque Rival (David).

Diplomats: Iran began second nuclear plant 7 years ago

Iran\’s recently revealed uranium enrichment hall is a highly fortified underground space that is a year away from completion after fitful construction that first started seven years ago, diplomats told The Associated Press on Thursday.

The Next Palestinian President a Hamas Man?

Since Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas announced last week that he will not be contending for chairmanship in the upcoming elections, several theories have arisen concerning what will happen next.

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