
December 7, 2007

No. 1 goal for new consul — telling L.A. ‘what Israel is’

Yaakov Dayan, the new Israeli consul general for the Southwestern states, has just moved into his high-rise office on Wilshire Boulevard.\n\nThe walls are bare and pockmarked with nail holes, but leaning against a chair are the first two pictures to go up. One is a head drawing of David Ben-Gurion, surrounded by the signatures of the state\’s founding fathers and mothers, affixed to Israel\’s 1948 Declaration of Independence.

Odd couple works to aid Israel’s Bedouins

When the two women travel overseas together, one passes routinely through airport security checks; the other is invariably pulled aside for lengthy questioning.\n\nAt home, one is rarely asked for her ID; the other is stopped frequently.

Fantastical images inspire Jay and Spiegelman; JCafeLA does it again

At the threshold of commerce and art, there once existed a world where illusion, deception and transformation inhabited the fantasy realm of carnivals and circus sideshows. Noblemen would stand beside paupers to witness armless freaks and nefarious gamblers conjuring tricks that stirred the imagination.


Obituaries October and November 2007

Variety of books pave way for understanding kabbalah

Historically, rabbis have proclaimed that in order to study kabbalah, one has to be a learned Jewish man older than of 40. So imagine how surprised those rabbis would be today if they could peruse a modern bookstore: There are now a plethora of tomes on the subject, making kabbalah available to the layperson — male, female, Jew and non-Jew — the dummy and idiot alike (which is it better to be?).

Maybe it’s not so weird, after all

The first time I visited the Kabbalah Centre, I thought it was weird. The congregants all wore white; the man on the bimah called out letters of the Hebrew alphabet (\”Alef to bet to taph!\”); the letters themselves were displayed in massive typeface on posters around the sanctuary.

UJC reaches out to young innovators

A self-described professional Jewish lesbian. A Web guru who calls himself the Orthodox Anarchist. A young, Oscar-winning producer.

The United Jewish Communities (UJC) looked to this group and their disenfranchised peers for help at its annual General Assembly (GA) in Nashville in November, giving them an entire plenary to talk about themselves, what they need from the North American federation system and why they have a hard time becoming a part of it.

Agudath Israel emphasizes outreach to non-Orthodox

Is it permissible for an Orthodox family to play host to a Jewish couple if they don\’t observe laws mandating sexual abstinence in the period surrounding menstruation?

That was among the questions posed to two leading rabbinic authorities in late November at the 85th national convention of Agudath Israel of America, the main umbrella body for ultra-Orthodox, or haredi, Jewry.

The answer: It is, if the room has two beds.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.