Torah Portion
I grew up the only boy in a family with three girls. Although this definitely didn\’t make me an expert on women, it did give me a firsthand knowledge of how women live.
I grew up the only boy in a family with three girls. Although this definitely didn\’t make me an expert on women, it did give me a firsthand knowledge of how women live.
Richard Strauss\’s opera \”Salome\” had its Israelipremière in Tel Aviv this month. Strauss, who died in 1949,served, however briefly, as a cultural official in Adolf Hitler\’s Nazi administration. The season, by the visiting Kirov Opera from St.Petersburg, was an unchallenged hit. Strauss has been forgiven,perhaps because he had a Jewish daughter-in-law and soon learned thefolly of his ways.
In addition to the usual bathing suits, socks and shorts, as suggested by Camp Hess Kramer on its inventory list, my daughter, Samantha, needed an orange sweat shirt with blue (preferably royal) lettering spelling out the words \”Leadership \’97\” on the front and her name on the back. Right away, I could foresee trouble.
If you\’re like me, you probably read news reports about religious freedom the way you read the latest news on global warming: plowing dutifully through, eyes half-glazed over, certain it concerns you but not quite sure how.
For most of this century, Los Angeles has been a city of twoelites — one predominately WASPish, the other predominately Jewish. Although they occasionally collaborated on projects such as the MusicCenter, the two worlds remained largely separate and indifferent toeach other, living in a ruling-class version of institutional apartheid.