Dear all,
Like my father, of blessed memory, I have a love of aviation. Witnessing the grandeur of creation from 38,000 feet moves me deeply, and I never tire of it.
This photo was taken over Greenland last summer. As our plane chased the setting sun, I looked at the view and pondered, “What’s on the horizon?”
Yes, I wondered what awaited me back at Temple Akiba.
I thought about the next chapter in the life of our family.
I considered my (then) approaching birthday.
I could never have imagined what our world would face come October 7.
And I reflected on the important vs. unimportant stuff on my plate.
In any given moment in time, there is always something on the horizon.
Are we prepared?
Are we nimble in case we need to make a shift?
Are we open?
Are we grounded?
Once we reach the horizon, it’s gone – and a new one appears. That’s how life is. And so – are we ready, yet again?
And, perhaps most important, while chasing the horizon, do we allow ourselves to recognize that the journey can be extraordinary?
With love and Shalom,
Rabbi Zach Shapiro