Waiting for a Taxi in Jerusalem
You can see your entire life
drive before your eyes
Medical Advice From Religious Lady
They should play harps
instead of using Prozac
says the woman at the Biblical Harp Store
I suppose at the Prozac store
they don’t speak too highly of Biblical Harps either
At the Kotel
Bushes emerge from the Western Wall
One wonders if Herod was a gardener
I daven on the men’s side
Egalitarianism hasn’t reached the Old City
Paper yarmulke on my head
Right hand touching Roman stone
I say all the words I can remember
A boy becomes bar mitzvah behind me
We finish at the same time
Back away, the Wall gets bigger
The sun melts winter away
Lights up the wall
Once again
Jerusalem of Gold
Feeding Holy Cats
I’ve fed half the cats in the Negev Desert today
I’ll get the rest tomorrow