

Mitt’s the one

Like many voters, I am thrilled that viable candidates this year include a Mormon, a biracial man, and a woman.

Full disclosure: I\’m a Mormon. Who\’s biracial. And loves women.

Why Jews support Obama

You wouldn\’t know it from the flood of hysterical emails we have all seen, or from a fair amount of the commentary, but there is a groundswell of Jewish American support for Senator Barack Obama\’s presidential campaign. That should hardly be surprising, for it is a reflection of the nature of our community. When he speaks�\”with eloquence, unmistakable authenticity, and passion�\”for the values we hold most dear, he renews our hope for America in these difficult times.

Why I back Rudy Giuliani

In October, introducing Rudy Giuliani before the Republican Jewish Coalition, philanthropist Sheldon Adelson said of the former New York City mayor, \”Time after time Mayor Giuliani not only said the right things about Israel, which is easy to do, but he took the right actions as well.\”

Expand that beyond Israel and Mr. Adelson has quite effectively outlined the driving rationale behind Rudy Giuliani\’s bid for the presidency: Other candidates might say the right things, but Rudy actually does them. And he has for years.

Why I support Hillary

Representative Brad Sherman (D – Calif.) explains his preference for Hillary Clinton.

And now the ‘Jewish primary’ begins . . .

When California moved its presidential primary to Feb. 5, and other big states followed suit, the strategic role of Jewish voters in the nominating process was greatly enhanced.

UCLA Shoah class attracts large number of Asian students

\”The Holocaust in Film and Literature\” is one of many UCLA classes that draws in undergraduate students looking to fulfill general education requirements. German 59, as it\’s listed in the university catalog, has attracted 241 students this quarter.

The course demands are strenuous. Among the required readings are Elie Wiesel\’s \”Night,\” Primo Levi\’s \”Survival in Auschwitz\” and \”The Reader\” by Bernhard Schlink. Additionally, students read selected works by authors such as Hannah Arendt and Nelly Sachs, as well as poetry, memoirs, encyclopedia entries and original documents. Assigned films include \”Schindler\’s List,\” \”Night and Fog\” and several documentaries.

John McCain has the ‘right stuff’

As the son of Holocaust survivors, I select my political candidates based on two criteria�\”what\’s best for the country and what\’s best for Jews everywhere, particularly Israel. In both respects, John McCain is unquestionably the best candidate running for President.

California Jewish voters maintain liberal reputation

Political scientist and Jewish Journal columnist Raphael Sonnenshein of Cal State Fullerton termed the national election results \”the most colossal wave of change going back to 1980.\”

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.