Toby Klein Greenwald

Professional Organizer Transforms Her Skills Into a Book on Jewish Life
It will take you through the Jewish year and through life, and you will probably end up being more organized, and certainly inspired.

A Triple Spring in July
In the strange world of synchronicity, I had multiple experiences the week of July 17th, 2020. The Hebrew date was the 24th of Tammuz, which this year falls on July 24.

International Jewish Women Look to the Future
In a fractured world, it was refreshing to see women who represented a broad religious and political spectrum in their private as well as public lives.

A Love for Nature in ‘A Child’s Prayer of Wonder and Gratitude’
I was already familiar with Karen Guth’s previous book, “Bubie’s in Bidud (Grandma’s in Isolation),” her book that came out in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Fantasy and Suspense Meet Jewish Mysticism in “The Hidden Saint”
Jonathan Kellerman called “The Hidden Saint” by Mark Levenson, “An ingenious, compelling mix of horror, fantasy, suspense and Jewish mysticism. Think Tolkien, albeit benefiting from a yeshiva education.”

A Story Bridging Yom Ha’Shoah, Israel Memorial Day and Independence Day
This is a story that combines the Shoah with the founding of the State of Israel, and has many interlocking circles and the building of bridges.

The Story of “REBECCA! Mother of Two Dynasties”
When the COVID lockdowns began, almost all the theater troupes in Israel (and most of the world) shut down, but we kept going. And now, Baruch Hashem, we can share the fruits of our labor with the rest of the world.