Picture of Toby Klein Greenwald

Toby Klein Greenwald

Shabbat with Nova Survivors in Jerusalem

The line-up for the Shabbat indicated how important people think it is to reach out to those who suffered and are trying to find their way back to normalcy.

In the Shadow of War, Global Women Leaders Meet Online

A Global Leadership Conference for Jewish women entrepreneurs & leaders, which was originally scheduled to be held in person in Jerusalem in January, will happen online instead, due to the war in Israel, on January 21, 2024.

In Times of War

Israel is a small country and one family. Like every family, we have fights, but we pull together in times of crisis.

From LA to the Jerusalem Theatre

The Jerusalem Theatre has been hosting an exhibit of Los Angeles native David Schmidt, “Mesirus Nefesh” (literally “Self-Sacrifice”).

Unconditional Love and the Nine Days

Every year those in my shevet who live in Israel have a BBQ on Israel Independence Day, and this year I told the following story at our annual bash.


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