Picture of Thane Rosenbaum

Thane Rosenbaum

Thane Rosenbaum is a novelist, essayist, law professor and Distinguished University Professor at Touro University, where he directs the Forum on Life, Culture & Society. He has written numerous works of fiction and nonfiction and hundreds of essays in major national and global publications. He is the legal analyst for CBS News Radio and appears on cable TV news programs. His most recent book is entitled “Saving Free Speech . . . from Itself.”

A Necessary Reality Check

It doesn’t require any special clairvoyance to realize that the world is burning and too many American Jews are standing around fiddling with violins — and I mean the bouncy, and not mournful kind.

Will These Grim Times Pass Over?

With Passover upon us, it is fair to ask: What is the quality of this freedom Jews are now left with? Have we traded in one bondage for another?

Putin and Punishment

The ICC just issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin, accusing him of forcibly transferring Ukrainian children and teenagers into Russian territory in some grand wartime kidnapping scheme.

Purging the Jews of “Babylon”

“Babylon” went out of its way to foster inclusion for every category of identity except for the one responsible for moving the nascent industry to Los Angeles, erecting studios, sound stages and an entire city to support it—in what had been a barren wasteland.

Israel’s Shadowy Constitution

Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East—or anywhere near that region, for that matter—is undergoing a constitutional crisis.

The Invisible Jews

Relying upon data supplied by the New York City Police Department, 94% of the reported incidents of violence between 2018 and 2022 were committed against Orthodox Jews, primarily in the neighborhoods where Hasidic Jews live.


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