Deal-making Behind Byzantine Ballot Measures
May 19, California voters will be asked to vote on a package of six ballot measures. What’s a voter to do? What’s a Jewish voter to do?
May 19, California voters will be asked to vote on a package of six ballot measures. What’s a voter to do? What’s a Jewish voter to do?
Arlen Specter may be a dinosaur. The senior United States Senator from Pennsylvania, one of only four Northeastern Republican senators, will soon become the only Jewish Republican Senator when Norm Coleman concedes the battle for Minnesota, and one of the few Republican moderates in a position of power.
The Los Angeles elections on March 3 turned out to be more interesting than most of us had expected, especially the role of the Fifth Council District.
The Republican Party once had a real shot at winning the support of Jewish voters.
Other than African Americans, no group of voters provided more support to Barack Obama than Jews.
June 6, 1944, may have been the most important day of the 20th century. The Allied invasion of France breached Hitler\’s Atlantic Wall and decisively turned the war against the Nazi regime.