Dangerous Ideology At Root of Antisemitic Boston Mapping Project
Without a doubt, The Mapping Project represents a disturbing escalation of antisemitic rhetoric, hate and intimidation coming from the anti-Israel, extreme left.
Without a doubt, The Mapping Project represents a disturbing escalation of antisemitic rhetoric, hate and intimidation coming from the anti-Israel, extreme left.
We shouldn’t have to all agree on exactly what ails society or from where it derives in order to be part of the social justice fold.
Jews must insist there can be no shutting down of discourse in the name of progress.
Apparently, DEIJ initiatives in Jewish schools are not open for discussion.
The UN will mark the twentieth anniversary of this disgraceful episode on September 22, not to express the requisite remorse, but to celebrate its supposed achievements.
The events in Ferguson, Missouri had spawned a new activist movement, Black Lives Matter, which took the country by storm. The concept of intersectionality, once relegated to gender studies programs in universities, was gaining currency in the activist community on the left, particularly on certain college campuses.
The curriculum authors, who define Zionism as “a nationalist, colonial ideology,” claim that there is a “current apartheid in Israel” and that Israel’s “settler colonialism” has “pedagogical importance” and therefore must be included in California’s ethnic studies curriculum.
Seemingly overnight organizations have changed the language they use in describing the power dynamics of American society.