Picture of Chaim Steinmetz

Chaim Steinmetz

Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz is the Senior Rabbi of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York.

How to Choose a Spouse

The method by which one chooses a spouse is less significant than we might imagine; there are models of both romantic and arranged marriages in the Torah.

Sarah, the Invisible Hero

Because the narrative in the Torah focuses mostly on Avraham, it is easy to overlook that the sacrifices Sarah makes are more exceptional.

Ordinary Greatness

The focus on greatness has had a profound impact on Jewish culture, and has made greatness a life goal to be embraced.

The Cult of Overwork and the Sabbath

It should be noted that overwork is ultimately impractical. After a certain point, productivity suffers and burnout is common. The Midrash says that Moses, while still in Pharaoh’s household, convinced  Pharaoh to allow the Jewish slaves to rest on Shabbat. Moses argued that a Sabbath would be to Pharaoh’s benefit; slaves that never stop working will die from overwork.

How Do I Convince My Child to be a Jew?

He was dating a non-Jewish woman seriously, and when Sarah would ask him if he planned on raising his children as Jews, his answer was no; Judaism wasn’t important to him. Sarah had one question for me: how do I convince my son to be Jewish?


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