Picture of Chaim Steinmetz

Chaim Steinmetz

Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz is the Senior Rabbi of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York.

Never Alone

One is never alone, even in the most difficult of times. God is with you.

A Miserable Life

After a grueling war that has claimed the lives of far too many who were far too young to die, we once again take on the sacred task of creating a legacy for those who have fallen.

The Miracle of Comebacks

In exile, Hanukkah became a holiday of hope for Jews who dreamt of returning home, Menorah in hand.

Time to Hug a Fellow Jew

During the last fifteen months, the Jewish people have come together like never before; and for a short time, we were all playing the role of the lonely brother, standing in the center to hold the different segments of the community together.

Life Without A Security Blanket

Israelis are living life without a security blanket. It is frightening. But like Jacob, they still dream of something better.

Wounded Redeemers

The challenge to all of us, amidst the turmoil of our own suffering, is how to be wounded redeemers ourselves.

Life in the Shadow of the Akedah

We will never forget Amitai’s sacrifice. And we will never forget Amitai’s lesson, that in the shadow of the Akedah we must appreciate life even more.


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