Picture of Carin Davis

Carin Davis

Bruins Prep for Tense Tournament

It\’s March Madness, so brush off your brackets, enter your office pool and cheer for two Jewish UCLA Bruins, one male, one female, as they head into the big dance.

Feminist Desktop Revolution

Don\’t have time to shlep to a museum? Too tired to remember if the free museum day is the first or second Tuesday of the month?

Two Bruins Get Big Kick Out of Sun Bowl

Jimmy Rotstein and Brian Rubinstein had never played in a college football game, but the 72nd annual Vitalis Sun Bowl on Dec. 30 proved to be a tale of two walk-ons for these UCLA Bruins. The second-string players not only came off the bench, they collaborated on an extra point play. UCLA beat Northwestern and, in their own way, these two athletes made a larger point about hard work and good sportsmanship.

Boutique Teaches Brides Love Lessons

The Love Boutique sells everything from massage oils to lingerie and romantic board games to self-help books. In keeping with the store\’s philosophy, these items are merely tools to help women feel elegant, sexy and self-confident.

Kitchen Confidential

My guy Scott dined with his friend Kate and her fiance Steve. No biggie. She\’s an old friend, she\’s taken. Nothing to worry about. I\’m not jealous. It\’s cool.

Gifts for Your Honey Too Large to Wrap

Those eight crazy nights are coming up fast. Still stumped what to get your sweetie? Think outside the giftbox and give your loved one a gift certificate for an experience.

Get Married Without Disowning Your Mom

Many a wedding have lead to knockout, throw-down arguments between mother and daughter. Should it be black tie or California casual? Meat or fish? DJ or band? Should there be fewer guests at a lavish wedding or more guests at a bare-bones one? And why should cousin Sally, who the bride hasn\’t seen since her sweet 16, get an invite over a co-worker?

Wedding Bell Oops!

Canceling a wedding has become that common these days. Just because a couple gets engaged, doesn\’t mean that they\’ll get married. It just means they\’ve registered at Macy\’s.

New Hadassah Chief Does Balancing Act

As a mother of two grown children, Morlie Hammer Levin knows the challenges of balancing family, career and spiritual life. But factor in the L.A. native\’s recent New York move, a high-pressure job with a high-profile organization and finding a new religious community and you have the makings of what would be a well-deserved nervous breakdown for anyone else.

Women Get Assist in Drive for Basketball

Betty Laham played basketball throughout her four years at YULA High School. When she returned to Los Angeles after graduating from NYU, she was eager to find an organized women\’s basketball league and hoped to recapture the challenges and excitement of regular play.


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