Red Date, Blue Date
Having now completed my unsuccessful world tour of bars, parties and weddings, I\’m looking for new ways to meet new men.
Having now completed my unsuccessful world tour of bars, parties and weddings, I\’m looking for new ways to meet new men.
Creating a baseball culture in Israel is one of the league\’s biggest challenges and primary goals. In a country where soccer and basketball dominate athletics, will people jump on the baseball bandwagon?
I\’m an accomplished exec. I worked hard to get here. I work hard for the money. But work never gets in the way of dating, and dating never gets in the way of work.
At this high-tech, low-stress dating party, eager singles walk around, electronically zapping potential mates. Intrigued by this \”Go Go Gadget\” dating service, I decide to give it a whirl.
\”Ramah is a place where campers and counselors have their first experience in not only participating in, but helping to form and lead the Jewish community in which they find themselves,\” said Camp Ramah of California Executive Director Rabbi Daniel Greyber.
When did things first get serious? When I gave my boyfriend, Scott, my guest parking pass. That\’s right. I presented him with that little laminated gem that allows
visitors to park on my happening WeHo street — ticket free — after 7 p.m. I told him it was his, for keeps. For real. Not impressed? Not amazed? Then you\’re not in Los Angeles.
ChivasUSA\’s Jonathan Bornstein is the top contender for the 2006 Major League Soccer (MLS) Rookie of the Year award. Not bad for the Los Alamitos native who was not invited to the MLS combine and was chosen in the fourth round (of four) of 2006 MLS SuperDraft (37th pick overall).
Could it be that my looks only complement my true best feature — my crazy charm?
When it comes to relationships, girls are all about group think. We poll all our friends; we share all the evidence.