

Isn’t She ‘Lovely?’

Nicole Holofcener is laughing at her Caesar salad, a sparse, pathetic-looking thing she ordered with no croutons and dressing on the side.

The Many Layers of ‘Cake’

Journalism 101, Rule No. 1: The interview is about the interviewee, not about you. Ask a question, then shut up and listen.

How the Times Distorted Jenin

When I write a screenplay, I start out with an agenda. I decide who my hero is first and who is the villain. Then I fashion scenes to build my dramatic case and make it believable. That is, I believe, exactly what occurred with regard to at least two reporters, Sheila MacVicar of CNN and Tom Miller of the Los Angeles Times, on Tuesday, April 16 in the Jenin refugee camp.

I was there. I saw everything they saw, I heard everything they heard, I smelled everything they did not smell. And the truth is there was no smell of death on that day, despite what Miller wrote in his feature article of April 21.

An Impostor Survivor

In the 1948 film "Gentleman\’s Agreement," Phil Green, changing his last name to Greenberg, passes as a Jew in order to write a searing exposé of anti-Semitism.

7 Days In Arts

Turns out the Frisco Kid wasn\’t the only Jewish cowboy. Kicking off the exhibition >\”Jewish Life in the American West: Generation to Generation\” at the Autry Museum of Western Heritage is a music concert titled \”Jews in the West.\”

Carl Reiner gets to ‘Bloom’

Getting cast in Steven Soderbergh\’s \”Ocean\’s 11,\” says Carl Reiner, was kind of like a scene from the Las Vegas heist movie.

Advice for Israeli Filmmakers

I\’m sitting in the cockpit of an F-16 fighter jet on an Israeli Air Force (IAF)base. A friend of mine is an F-16 fighter pilot, an American-born Israeli who just finished his MBA at Harvard Business School and is doing his monthly stint in the reserves. He knew that I had just sold a project about the formation of the IAF to Dreamworks\’ ImageMovers, a subsidiary owned by Robert Zemeckis, Steve Starkey and Jack Rapke.

Dan Gordon (\”Hurricane\”) is the writer. This is a project dear to our hearts, since both Dan and I have deep Israeli roots. Dan, an American, volunteered to join the IAF in October 1973.

The Lamb is Sure to Go

Mallory Lewis grew up with a very famous sister, but she laughs if you ask about sibling rivalry. \”She slept in a shoebox in the closet, I had my own room, it was fine by me.\”

But this is no horror story of an evil stepsister. Mallory Lewis\’ sister is Lamb Chop, the adorable, perpetually 6-year-old puppet of children\’s entertainer Shari Lewis. Beloved by millions since their 1957 debut on \”The Captain Kangaroo Show,\” Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop would go on to entertain generations of kids with their PBS series and videos. Mallory Lewis began writing her mom\’s newspaper column for kids at the age of 12, and by the early \’90s, she was head writer and producer for mom\’s series.

Diary of a ‘Princess’

"I feel like the princess living the fairy tale," says Gina Wendkos, screenwriter of the Walt Disney film, "The Princess Diaries," which opens Aug. 3 in Los Angeles.

Are You My Mother?

Pamela Alster is a trooper. Her solo autobiographical show, "Note To Self: Shop Bloomingdales – Find Mother" plays Thursday nights at the Black Box Theater in Los Angeles, but a recent Thursday afternoon found the writer/actor with a deep puncture wound in her calf from a dropped glass bottle.

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