

Briefs: CIA lifts lid on Israeli raid on Syrian reactor; Iranians raze Tehran shuls

CIA: Syria Could Have Made Two Nukes

\nIsrael destroyed a Syrian nuclear reactor that was nearly ready to produce two bombs, the CIA chief said.

\nMichael Hayden said Monday that the secret, unfinished reactor that the United States believes Israel bombed Sept. 6 in northeastern Syria eventually would have made fissile material for bombs.

The other refugees

Is there a more loaded word in the Arab-Israeli conflict than \”refugee\”

New U.S. administration won’t mean new Mideast policy

For months, we\’ve been hearing the presidential candidates promise American voters \”change.\” But as the U.S. primaries move beyond their half-way point, here is a prediction: Whoever becomes president in 2008 will pursue the same policies as the Bush administration in the Middle East, because there is little latitude to do otherwise.

Will Annapolis momentum spur a regional thaw?

Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas may have bridged the necessary gaps to issue a joint commitment to pursue peace, but their words in Annapolis revealed the substantial distance they have yet to travel.

The Pearl Fellow

Editorial about Syrian journalist and Daniel Pearl Fellow Ramy Mansour and his internship at the Jewish Journal.

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