

Surveying ‘America’s Jewish Freshmen’

When Adam Bergman researched colleges toward the end of his senior year at Milken High School, he looked very closely at the quality of their soccer teams and not so closely at the size of their Jewish populations.

‘Martyr for Peace’

Flags of the United States and Israel draped the simple pine coffin of Marla Bennett, the 24-year-old student laid to rest on Monday, at a service that emphasized Jewish solidarity in the face of terrorism.

‘It Was Chaos’

David Kosak, a 35-year-old rabbinical student from the University of Judaism, was lunching with classmates at Hebrew University\’s Frank Sinatra cafeteria on Wednesday when the bomber struck.

Terrorism Won’t Stop HUC-JIR

When Mark Miller walks in downtown Jerusalem these days, he leans away from the street whenever he sees an oncoming bus.

Community Briefs

Dr. Moshe Gottlieb, a chiropractor who moved to Israel from Los Angeles in 1978, was among the 19 people killed in the June 18 bus bombing in the neighborhood of Beit Safafa, near Gottlieb\’s home in Gilo.

The Faces Behind Fairfax

Ask Boris Dralyuk about his student days at Fairfax High School and the impish young man with startlingly blue eyes will mockingly compare himself to one of the great anti-heroes of literature. \”I know about the experiences of Saul Bellow\’s Augie March and the little Jewish kids growing up in tough urban areas, but Los Angeles is not one of those places. There is very little in common between the Lower East Side and Los Angeles. It\’s not a battle to grow up here. It is not a struggle.\”

Being Greene

Brian Greene thinks of himself as a product of the University of Judaism (UJ).

Opening ‘The Box’

Like most of his grad student peers at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR), Rabbi Brian Zachary Mayer always thought he would eventually become a pulpit rabbi, even taking an assistant rabbi position at a prominent San Fernando Valley synagogue as training for the day he would lead his own congregation.

The New Face of the UJ

A high-profile lecture series of top American and Israeli personalities is generating national attention and an unexpected financial bonanza. The university\’s continuing education arm is innovating new programs and drawing close to 10,000 participants. Enrollment in the young rabbinical school is running higher than anticipated.\n\n

A War of Words

Students, faculty and staff members at CSUN were up in arms last week regarding an exhibit sponsored by the university\’s Muslim Student Association (MSA). The \”Museum of Intolerance\” exhibit, part of planned activities for the campus\’ Islam Awareness Week (Oct. 21-27), showed photographs of Muslims under attack in several nations including what it called Palestine, with prominent pictures of Israeli soldiers and of Palestinian Arabs throwing rocks.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.