

Balance Paramount to UPN Head Ostroff

Dawn Ostroff, who in addition to being a religiously observant wife and mother, has worked her way up to a glamorous, powerful and exciting position: president of entertainment at UPN. Offering insight into the art of balancing home and work life and achieving one\’s professional dreams, she reminds us that it\’s never too late.

A Father, a Son, a Tzadik

They told us that we would move through various stages of grief, but they were wrong.

My Father, My Hero

There\’s a framed glass poster that hangs on the wall of Assaf Ramon\’s Houston bedroom wall. While the image of the smiling astronaut in the orange jumpsuit is famous, the Hebrew words inscribed at the bottom of the poster are not

Jewish Mom for the Straight Guy

When my father informed me he had scheduled a business trip to Los Angeles and was taking my mother with him about a month after I moved out here, his timing seemed less than coincidental. Both of my parents had been anxiously phoning me on a daily basis since I left New York. The real reason they were coming was to make sure I wasn\’t living in a crack house, or at the very least had the decency to choose a Jewish crack house.

Coping With Cancer Proves Family Affair

In the first moments after Lori Marx-Rubiner was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, several fears ran through her head. The Jewish community social worker, who was 35 at the time, wondered about her mortality and worried about the prospect of pain and nausea induced by treatment. However, her deepest concern centered on her then 3-year-old son, Zachary.

Community Briefs

Several programs that cater to a largely Jewish clientele have survived California\’s budget ax — for now.

Hair Apparent

According to Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, director of Lubavitch of Long Island, the root of this custom is a verse in the Torah that compares man to a tree. In Deuteronomy, it states, \”A person is like the tree of a field.\” Just as a tree grows tall and with time, produces fruit, so it is hoped that a little boy will grow in knowledge, good deeds and, eventually have children of his own.

‘Finding’ Asperger’s Changed His Life

In \”Finding Ben: A Mother\’s Journey Through the Maze of Asperger\’s,\” (McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books, 2003) author Barbara LaSalle writes about her family\’s struggle to help her young son overcome a baffling neurological disorder and have a \”regular\” existence. Misdiagnosed and maladjusted, Ben Levinson was labeled as everything from learning disabled to emotionally disturbed and was even committed to a psychiatric ward before LaSalle, a marriage and family counselor, was able to correctly diagnose him with Asperger\’s Syndrome (AS).

A Ukrainian City’s Coming-of-Age

It\’s not too often that a 13-year-old boy can change the world — or at least the world in which he lives.

So, it is difficult to underestimate the significance of the recent bar mitzvah of Menachem Mendel Moskovitz, known as Mendel.

As the eldest son of the Venezuelan-born chief rabbi of Kharkov, his calling to the Torah represented a coming-of-age of the Jewish community in post-Soviet Ukraine and of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement in particular.

Death Stalks Family

A local American Israeli family, which lost a daughter in an airport shooting rampage last July 4, is in renewed mourning for a son who died Nov. 26 following a car accident.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.