

U.S. Spending Ignores Domestic Deficits

What have our military expenditures to do with the state of the states? After all, we are a long way from the guns vs. butter arguments, when we used to show how many new schools or hospitals could be built for the cost of one new aircraft carrier.

NPR Israel Coverage Sparks Protests

"The Palestinian uprising and subsequent Israeli offensive in the West Bank stirred enormous sympathy for the Palestinians throughout the Arab world…. Over the past year, scores of Egypt\’s top singers have come out with songs about the Palestinian uprising.

A Wish Is Granted

NORCs have cropped up around the country, with an estimated 5,000 now dotting the U.S. As the population grays — an estimated 75 million Americans will be over 55 in 2010 — the number of NORCs is expected to jump, said Andrew Kochera, senior policy advisor at AARP in Washington.

Solace in SoCal

It may seem an auspicious time to bring Israeli artists over to America, as Israel has been in a virtual state of war since the beginning of the second intifada, and America is on the brink of war as well; but in a way, the timing could not have been better to discover what role museums play amid chaos.

After the Honeymoon

Before they met five years ago, searching for their besherts kept Lynn and Thad Gerber active in Jewish life: Between singles\’ dances,
Shabbat dinners and Jewish discussion groups, their dating lives gave way to a sense of belonging and connectedness through Judaism.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.