

Police, protesters clash in Egypt

Violent protest spread across Cairo and other Egyptian cities on Friday as tens of thousands of demonstrators intensified their campaign to oust President Hosni Mubarak, pouring from mosques after noon prayers and clashing with police who fired tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons.

More West Los Angeles Shootings Leave Residents Outraged

Dotted by temples, community centers and parks, the largely Orthodox Jewish Crestview neighborhood and its adjacent areas in West L.A. don\’t seem to be a typical battleground for gang bangers. But residents say that is exactly what it\’s become.

Wrongful-Death Claim in Burbank Shooting

The family of an Israeli immigrant killed by Burbank police is pursuing a $51 million wrongful-death claim against the cities of Burbank and Los Angeles. Assaf Deri, 25, died a year ago when Burbank undercover police officers shot him in an alley in North Hollywood.

Attorneys for the family said they filed their claim late last month, just prior to the one-year anniversary of Deri\’s death, but the filing could not be verified on Friday, when the family went public with the legal action.

Turmoil Grows as Withdrawal Nears

With Israel\’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip scheduled to begin on Aug. 15, escalating right-wing and settler protests threaten to plunge the country into anarchy and could provoke a strong anti-settler backlash.

Protesters last week blocked major highways, poured oil and scattered spikes across a busy road; occupied buildings in Gaza, and threw stones at Palestinians and Israel Defense Forces soldiers. The army and police responded by temporarily declaring the Gaza Strip a closed military zone, ejecting the extremists from occupied buildings and making dozens of arrests.

In an unprecedented spate of interviews and public statements, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon condemned what he called the \”hooliganism\” of the far right, and vowed that he would not be deterred by it.

However, will authorities be able to maintain law and order in the face of even more extreme protest plans?

First Lady Jostled in Jerusalem

\”What an emotional place this is, as we go from each one of these very, very holy spots to the next,\” Laura Bush said. \”We\’re reminded again of what we all want, what every one of us prays for,\” adding, \”What we all want is peace.\”

Slicing and Dicing L.A.’s Electorate

The race for Los Angeles mayor features two consummate insiders who are close to one another ideologically and disagree on few issues, posing a question: With Sacramento politics offering a clash of political tectonic plates and big, competing reforms, why is the mayor\’s race lacking in big ideas?

Burbank Police Kill Israeli Man

Stunned friends and family members are trying to make sense of the death of Assaf Deri, a 25-year-old Israeli who was shot and killed by Burbank police officers on June 25.

World Briefs

No pardons should be given to police officers involved in quelling Israeli Arab riots in October 2000, Israeli officials said.

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