

David and Goliath and David

You want media bias? I\’ll give you media bias. Here\’s one big city newspaper\’s account of the Israeli incursion into the Jenin refugee camp: \”Jenin camp looks like the scene of a crime. Its concrete rubble and tortured metal evokes another horror half a world away in New York, smaller in scale, but every bit as repellent in its particulars.\”\n\nThat\’s from the London newspaper The Guardian. The Los Angeles Times, in contrast, ran a long, two-page investigation into what happened in Jenin. It reported the evidence of terrorism that led to Israel\’s decision to go in. It documented the precise and risky manner by which the Israeli army chose to carry out its operation. It recounted the fear of the soldiers and refugees, the killing of innocent Palestinians (that\’s part of the story) and it investigated the wildly inflated stories of Palestinian propagandists and found them lacking.\n\n

Irreconcilable Differences

Ironically, it may be because this administration wants to do the right thing on terrorism, while increasing support for Israel, that it now faces seeming irreconcilable goals.

What really happened in Jenin?

U.N. Special Envoy Terje Roed-Larsen, as he walked through the rubble in the Jenin refugee camp last week, just three days after the fighting had died down, virtually accused Israel of war crimes and spoke of \”a shameful chapter in Israel\’s history.\”

Can Israel Afford to Eliminate Arafat?

Burdened with the intrigues of this murderer and terrorist for 40 years, it must now make a crucial final accounting: Is Arafat worth more to them dead or alive?

What to Do About Arafat?

For months now, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has been convinced that the main problem in Israel\’s relations with the Palestinians is the president of the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat.

Israel Counts Largest Death Toll

It was a day of funerals, as Israel buried 14 victims from Sunday\’s suicide bombing attack in a Haifa restaurant.

E.U., U.N. Want Their Say

U.N. and E.U. diplomats, at least in their public comments, appear less vitriolic about the string of lethal suicide bombings in Israel than the Israeli response to them and often seem to morally equate the two.

Control Issues

Suppose for a second that Israel strikes a cease-fire deal with Yasser Arafat. Would the Palestinian Authority president be able to deliver? Arafat himself may not know for sure, as the extent of control he retains over the many military factions he has created or allowed to flourish in his territory is unclear.

Sharon Explained

Sharon\’s message to the left is this: Oslo has catastrophically failed, and it will take time to fix the damage.

Tilting Away From Israel

Since Sept. 11, the administration has stood solidly behind Prime Minister Ariel Sharon\’s battle against the Palestinians, while ostracizing Yasser Arafat.

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