

The Man in the Middle

Rabbi Michael Melchior of Jerusalem has one heck of a job ahead of him.

Newly appointed to Ehud Barak\’s Cabinet, he\’s got the unenviable assignment of trying to make Jews get along with each other.

Jewish Earning Power

Jews are more likely than members of any other American ethnic group to purchase a hardcover book or attend a live musical performance in the coming year, but they\’re much less likely to buy a car, truck, recreational vehicle or major home appliance.

Irreconcilable Differences

Do rabbis have big mouths? \”Seinfeld\” once implied that, and all hoo-ha broke loose.

Touching Her Bases

First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton touched all the Jewish and pro-Israel bases and avoided treacherous curve balls during a Tuesday appearance before more than 2,100 delegates at Hadassah\’s 85th national convention in Washington.
In a speech laced with nods to the Jewish community\’s core issues, including Jerusalem, terrorism and anti-Semitism at home and abroad, the all-but-announced candidate for the Senate from New York appealed to what political scientists say is her Jewish political base — Upper West Side liberals, Westchester soccer moms and pro-Israel moderates.

When Dialogue Fails

Our July 16 cover story, \”Tense Relations,\” detailed the friction among local Jewish and Arab groups.

The Kids Are All Right

There\’s an unusual program planned this summer for counselors and older campers at Camp Gilboa, Southern California\’s newest Jewish summer camp.

Completing the Revolution

The question left pending until this Tuesday\’s run-off between incumbent Barbara Boudreaux and challenger Genethia Hayes is, will Tokofsky get to command a new majority?

Discovering Zion

State Sen. Richard Alarcon, along with state Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa and 16 other guests of the Anti-Defamation League, spent the week of April 24-30 touring Israel.

Moe’s Juggling Act

Identity becomes destiny. As Bosnian ambassador to the United Nations for nearly a decade, Mohamed Sacirbey now plays a unique role as a bridge between the disparate worlds that shaped him.


A 1998 article about Chicago collector Stephen Durschslag\’s haggadah collection set the number of different haggadot on his shelves at 4,500, increasing almost daily.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.