

Democratic platform sticks close to Jewish positions

When it comes to the Middle East and Sen. Barack Obama\’s Democratic Party platform, things are staying pretty much the same — which, in this case, is the kind of change pro-Israel activists can believe in.

Biden’s the one

Biden is just naturally what the Democrats used to be, the party of lunch- pail-carrying working people, not politically correct, prone to saying inappropriate things, but with a great credibility

Biden and the Jews: Strong ties and friendly disagreements

Before he announced his vice presidential pick, Barack Obama said he wanted someone to spar with but who ultimately would be loyal enough to create a comfortable working relationship. No one knew then that he had picked Joe Biden, but his ISO ad fit Biden\’s relationship with the Jewish community perfectly

Jews recall Musharraf ties and wonder what comes next

In 2005, Musharraf addressed a Jewish gathering in New York, where he said Pakistan would establish ties with Israel after the Palestinians have a state. During that same visit, Musharraf shook hands with then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon at the U.N. General Assembly. Musharraf also is rumored to have exchanged letters of friendship with Israeli President Shimon Peres.

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