

Cluster Silence

Major Jewish groups haven\’t rushed to comment on Israel\’s use of cluster bombs in the war against Hezbollah. What a mistake.\n

The big con about Iran

There is no military option in Iran. If we didn\’t learn this from the Americans\’ ongoing experience in Iraq, we should have learned it from Israel\’s recent experience in Lebanon.

Signs of life

Karnit Goldwasser works for the release of the soldiers captured by Hezbollah on a July 12 raid into Israeli territory. Those captured soldiers are Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, Karnit\’s husband. Since the afternoon of July 12, when an area commander came to visit her with the news, she has devoted herself to freeing the two, as well as Gilad Shalit, captured by Hamas in Gaza 17 days earlier.\n

American-Born Spokeswoman Big Asset to Israel

The former army intelligence officer with an easy smile was busy as the face of Israel\’s foreign media outreach, giving more than 80 interviews to international media networks and newspapers during the war.

Final Reckoning — Israel’s Defeat

It\’s hard to remember now, but we began this war with the sympathy of a large part of the international community. Some Arab leaders, for the first time in the history of the Middle East conflict, actually blamed other Arabs for initiating hostilities with Israel.

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