

Focusing on Israel

\”During the last seven to eight years, American Jews thought that Israel\’s worst problems were over and turned their attention to domestic communal problems,\” said Kenneth Jacobson, director of international affairs for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Draining the Swamps

It is a truth nearly universally acknowledged in Israel and the United States that we offered the Palestinians peace, and they chose bloodshed. More Jews and Arabs are killed almost daily. Clearly this situation is untenable. How to end it?

Preparing for War

A time for peace and a time for war. Most talk, for years, has been about peace, but there\’s war talk in Israel now. At least one independent intelligence agency is predicting a regional war this spring, and nobody is offering credible deniability. The Palestinians have been smuggling weapons into the country — mortars, anti-tank weapons, heavy machine guns, who knows what else. The stuff comes into Gaza through tunnels from Egypt or sneaked past Israeli naval patrols along the coast. It\’s not Jordan they\’re gunning for, at least not to start.

High Morale

As Israeli-Palestinian violence hits the six-month mark, Israeli military officials report that soldiers remain motivated to serve in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Jewish Ethics and Israeli Arabs

I was honored to be one of a number of scholars taking part in the University of Judaism\’s Day of Learning.

Waiting for Action

Israel seemed to be holding its breath this week in the wake of three Palestinian attacks.

Bridging the Gap

Israeli Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon may find that the worst thing about his landslide victory Tuesday over incumbent Ehud Barak was precisely his 25-point margin of victory.

Walking the Tightrope

If Prime Minister Ehud Barak achieves a deal with Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat, he may yet pull back from the brink of political defeat and win the election.

Four Jews, Two Opinions

Three out of four Jews favor Vice President Al Gore over Texas Gov. George W. Bush for president, according to a survey released this week by the American Jewish Committee (AJC).

New Religious Rift

Humankind has proved itself almost infinitely resilient in its ability to, if not forgive, then at least put out of mind terrible atrocities and acts of cruelty perpetrated in wartime.

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