

The two faces of Morsi: Power-hungry peace broker?

Is Morsi morphing into Mubarak? Last week Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi earned U.S. kudos that were quickly followed by expressions of concern — the former for brokering the truce that ended the Israel-Hamas mini-war, the latter for then decreeing himself absolute powers.

Operation Pillar of Defense: Lessons learned

As Israel and Hamas mostly stilled their guns Wednesday night after reaching a cease-fire agreement, ending eight days of intense bombardment, both sides took home some new lessons about their foes.

Cease-fire may be close; Israel, Egypt say no deal yet

A Hamas official said Egyptian mediators had clinched a truce with Israel on Tuesday that would go into effect within hours, but Egypt and Israel said a Gaza ceasefire deal was still up in the air after a week of fighting.

Israel-Gaza conflict: Low expectations

No one knows for sure why the Gaza hostilities began. We know that there had been weeks of intensifying rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip, rockets fired by various Palestinian groups that were tolerated, even encouraged by the governing Hamas.

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