

The news summer from hell and the end of optimism

By this point in the summer, a sane person could reasonably conclude that the world is going nuts. Spiraling out of control, descending into darkness, making optimism a delusional last recourse – that kind of feeling

In the new Middle East, an embarrassment of evils

One of the crazy things about following the Middle East is trying to keep track of all the bad guys. Remember when Iran was the big bad Islamic wolf? Or al-Qaida? Or Hezbollah? Or the Muslim Brotherhood? Or Hamas?

Sen. Boxer forcefully defends Israel, refutes divide amongst Democratic voters

In a Friday press conference at Los Angeles City Hall, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Ca.), when asked about a July poll by Pew Research that showed low support for Israel amongst Democratic voters in its current war with Hamas, said she has not “seen that poll” and that the “American people have supported Israel all the way.”

The killing machine called ISIS

Long before ISIS – the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria – released the horrific video depicting the execution of journalist James Foley, the world had already become acutely aware that there was no limit to the group’s brutality and ruthlessness.

U.S. forces tried but failed to rescue hostages in Syria

U.S. forces tried to rescue journalist James Foley and other American hostages during a secret mission into Syria and exchanged gunfire with Islamic State militants only to discover the captives were not there, officials said on Wednesday.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.