

Israel strikes Syria, says its targeting Hezbollah arms

Israeli jets devastated Syrian targets near Damascus on Sunday in a heavy overnight air raid that Western and Israeli officials called a new strike on Iranian missiles bound for Lebanon\’s Hezbollah.

Iran denies involvement in Bulgaria bomb attack

Iran played no part in the bombing of a bus last year that killed Israeli tourists, its ambassador to Bulgaria said on Friday, rejecting Israeli charges that it was involved in the attack.

Iran says Israel will regret Syria air strike

Iran told Israel on Monday it would regret its air strike against Syria last week, without spelling out whether Iran or its ally planned any military response.

Iran blames Israel for Syrian airstrike

Iran is blaming Israel for an attack on an arms convoy in Syria, reportedly carrying SA-17 anti-aircraft missiles destined for Hezbollah. Iran’s foreign minister threatened revenge and said the attack was “clearly coordinated with the West.”

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