
european union

U.S. should heed call for a clear Iranian red line

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a persuasive case at the United Nations General Assembly Thursday for a clear red line to ward off Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Time is running out and the United States should listen to the Israeli leader and draw a clear line for Tehran.

EU’s Ashton condemns ‘hateful’ Iran remarks on Israel

The EU foreign policy chief said on Saturday that comments by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who called Israel a \”cancerous tumor\” with no place in a future Middle East, were \”outrageous and hateful.\”

Hiding Israel

There are two ways to look at the Obama administration’s decision to exclude Israel from its global anti-terrorism initiative. If you recall, when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traveled to Istanbul last month to convene the Global Counterterrorism Forum, the group of invitees included 29 countries and the European Union — but not Israel.

EU refuses to call Hezbollah a terrorist organization

European Union President Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis said Tuesday said that the EU would not grant Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s request to declare Iran-funded Hezbollah as a terrorist organization because “Hezobollah is a political party in Lebanon which also runs chairty organizations.”

Iran threatens Israel; new EU sanctions take force

Iran announced missile tests on Sunday and threatened to wipe Israel \”off the face of the earth\” if the Jewish state attacked it, brandishing some of its starkest threats on the day Europe began enforcing an oil embargo and harsh new sanctions.

Netanyahu urges action on Iran after meeting Putin

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday it was time to ramp up sanctions against Iran to try to curb its nuclear program after discussing the matter with visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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