

Documentary explores UCLA alumna’s past as a child prostitute

Her chance came when she heard Sauvage say he intended to create financing for a movie as his summer MBA project in 2005. \”You should make your movie about me,\” she told him. Sauvage, who at the time did not know she had been abused, cavalierly replied that unless she had been a child prostitute, he wasn\’t interested.

Is circumcision a requirement for conversion?

\”I don\’t understand the fuss people make,\” he said. \”In Africa now they\’re circumcising thousands of adult men for AIDS prevention. If it were such a big deal, don\’t you think word would get around and the men would stop doing it?\”

When Birthday Party Blowouts Blowup

Fortunately, it\’s perfectly possible to plan a kid-friendly birthday bash without compromising our values, sanity and pocketbook. All it takes is a little panning for gold.

Our Uri

Hours before the cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah went into effect, Israel Defense Forces tank commander Uri Grossman, the son of acclaimed Israeli novelist David Grossman, was killed by an Hezbollah anti-tank missile. This is an excerpt of the eulogy David Grossman delivered at his son\’s funeral.

Keeping Your Head If Your Child Intermarries

When you first learn that your child is — or might be — marrying someone who\’s not Jewish, you may not feel like celebrating. This can be a difficult and stressful occasion instead of the joyous one you had hoped for. To help you, here are a series of tips from people whose children have intermarried, as well as from outreach professionals and counselors.\n

A Mother’s Pride

My daughter Rachel is a Jewish American girl from China. She is not the only Asian girl in her school — there are three, all adopted (two from China, one from Vietnam) — and she says she feels no different from anyone else. But among the mix of mostly Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews that make up our community, she adds a special spice. And in her own discreet style, I believe she has helped teach her friends to be colorblind in ways that could last a lifetime.



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